Tag Archives: Johnson

Fortune Smiles by Adam Johnson (review by Andrew R. ’17)

Fortune SmilesFortune Smiles by Adam Johnson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

In Fortune Smiles, which won the most recent National Book Award, Adam Johnson collects six short stories that showcase both his penchant for dark, uncomfortable subject matter and his startlingly powerful ability to treat unsympathetic characters with compassion. Johnson, who has garnered laurels in the past for a novel about North Korea, repeatedly takes on apparently unredeemable perspectives—a virtual-reality-obsessed programmer in Palo Alto, a reclusive pedophile with a traumatic past, a retired and unrepentant East German prison warden—and convinces the reader to replace at least some disgust with sympathy. Certain stories, like “Interesting Facts” (about a raging cancer sufferer) and “Hurricanes Anonymous” (about a displaced delivery man in Louisiana in 2005), miss the magic ratio of darkness to compassion and spoil the effect. But then you get a piece like “Fortune Smiles,” in which Johnson turns his focus back toward North Korea to explore the lives of two defectors to South Korea and their near-suicidal impulse to re-defect back into the North. This story closes the collection, cementing the book’s diverse but complimentary themes: the irrationality of obsession, the persistence of pain, and, most importantly, the essential humanness of everyone, even those we don’t understand.

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The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson (review by Anushka D. ’15)

The Name of the Star (Shades of London, #1)The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

When Rory Deveaux first transfers from Louisiana to London, she can’t help but feel out of place in her new surroundings. However, just as Rory starts to call her boarding school her home, her life is suddenly disrupted as a nearby killing spree shockingly similar to that of the Jack the Ripper murders begins. When horrific footage of a woman being slaughtered by an unseen force comes to light, police suspect a ghostly hand is behind the ordeal. Rory finds herself in the midst of the mess when she is able to spot the murderer and inadvertently becoming his next target. The Name of the Star is brilliantly written. Rory is an ensnaring character: witty, brave, and charming, and she carries the narrative with both stunning confidence and loving vulnerability. While Johnson does introduce a love triangle, it is subtle and does not detract from the story. Johnson ends The Name of the Star with a compelling plot twist hooking readers for the sequel: The Madness Underneath. Anyone looking for a thriller will be thoroughly satisfied!

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